25 April 2013

40 Stories of Passion

Photo: SVP
God defines success in a radically different way than the world defines it. 
For Him, success may not necessarily mean material wealth or political power.
 In it's essence, success means being faithful to love. - Bo Sanchez

I came across my old journal the other day and found some notes I've written from this book.
Here are the 40 inspiring quotes from 40 inspiring people. Find out who they are and be inspired by their stories.
  1. “My faith in God. I held on to Him because I had nothing left.”
  2. I can survive losing everything for as long as the Lord is with me.
  3.  Given Riches AChrist’s Expense
  4. When you want to earn, if you have the passion and love for what you do, hard work is no longer a sacrifice. It will become joy. What’s important is you love what you’re doing.
  5. Today is Friday but Sunday is coming. I've learned that the sun will shine tomorrow no matter how dark the night is right now.
  6. Counseling is all about empathy. That’s what heals others. And because I've been through pain in the past, I can feel the pain of others.
  7. I try to love everybody. I see in them Jesus, my Beloved whom I desire to love more and more. That is my strength
  8. Live a simple lifestyle. Avoid stress. Don’t have too much worries. Pray.
  9. It’s such a joy to serve. It feels good.
  10. If you want to succeed, make people more important than things.
  11. If you see the poor as your family, you won’t give charity. You will love them. And when the Filipino loves, he’ll give his all –not just charity.
  12. In the name of obedience, I said yes. That is the Christian life.
  13. I’m very happy! Especially when I see people coming back to His love. I’m reminded that I am a vessel of His love.
  14. All around me, there are so many opportunities to serve, aside from my job.
  15. I realize that God has really called me to sing for Him & for His people. So my dream is that one day, I’ll be singing in front of the Lord – in heaven.
  16. I believe this is what God wants me to do. So I do it with passion. It transcends whether I will succeed or not. Because it’s not about me, it’s about Him.
  17. I answered his call, and today I have found what I was looking for.
  18. I realized that life is much more than a great job and a big house. Life is so unpredictable and so short. So I decided to do what I wanted to do now.
  19. I’m just a channel of His Spirit doing what He wants me to do. Since the Lord has been faithful. Once he tapped you for a mission, there’s no turning back.
  20. While I have the opportunity to love, I will love, because life is so fragile.
  21. I saw a vision. It was Jesus wearing a crown of thorns with blood all over His face. He was looking at me – loving me. He just kept looking at me, and I knew what He wanted me to do. He wanted me to surrender all my resentments, all my anger, all the range within me. Today, I can easily forgive people.
  22. Through the years, I've also learned that when you serve Him, He equips you with all you need.
  23. We sacrificed. We lived simply.
  24. I’m a husband first, a father second and a leader third. If I keep those three in order, I’ll be successful as husband, father and leader.
  25. My parents loved me despite everything. I want to be blessed so I can be a blessing to others.
  26. He answered my prayer according to His will.
  27. We should give the best for God. My work is a lesson in faith. Try to serve one person at a time.
  28. He knew what I needed, and so he gave her to me – a woman who deeply loves the Lord.
  29. And as for my work, I believe that God is my real boss. So I need to do it with excellence.
  30. From seeing God as a Punishing Judge, I now see Him as a Best Friend and a Merciful Saviour. How can I be afraid?
  31. Deep in my heard, I wanted to bring young people to God.
  32. That’s why I’m here on earth loving God is the meaning of my life.
  33. Isn't it amazing how God works?
  34. At the end of each day, I want to sleep soundly, having offered my work well done to my Creator.
  35. Perhaps one day, He will still heal me. But even if He doesn't, I've surrendered my  life to Him. I will continue to trust Him.
  36. We are who we are now because of the miracles He gives us every day.
  37. I try to use every opportunity God has given me to encourage.
  38. I enjoy my ministry more than my work.
  39. When you give charity because you love, you don’t feel that pain. You only feel the joy of giving to someone you love.
  40. I had many years of deep pain, but through it all, I always felt God’s nearness.

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