08 August 2012

God is Bigger than Your Biggest Problems

Stop telling God how big your problems are. 
Instead, start telling your problems how big your God is. - Bo Sanchez

Extracts from the book God is Bigger than Your Biggest Problems by Bo Sanchez

-When you're in pain, God embraces you and feels your pain. He weeps with you.
Because Daddy is Emmanuel. -p25

-You don't have to please God so that He will love you. He loves you as you are. He accepts you totally.
Because Daddy is Grace. (Grace means "free gift".) - p28

-Dulce means "sweet". I believe God is the sweetest Daddy in the world. We can run to Him, climb on His lap,
and ask for what we need. Because Daddy is Dulce. -32

-In this adventure called life, I've experience my God pushing me, pulling me, and carrying me in His arms.
I know God does the same to you. - p34

-God has faith in you. He believes in you. Because Daddy is Fides. (Fides means faith, the root word for faithfulness.)

-Leadership is about relationships. p42

-A leader builds relationship with a disciple. A leader plant a dream in that person's heart. A leader empowers that person to reach for that dream.

-God wants to build a relationship with you. He'll spend time with you.
He'll win your trust. He'll expose His own heart to you. He'll pour His life into you. In other words, He'll love you. This is His brand of leadership. p46

-God has cast a vision for your life: to give you a life of abundance.
He's so commited, He's not only ready to die for it -- He already did. He gave His life on the cross to make that vision come true. p51

-God won't allow any problem, any crisis, any trial, any evil in your life to stop His great vision from happening in your life. p52

-Make Him your leader.

-Prayer isn't convincing God to bless you, but opening your life to the river of blessings already flowing to you. p55

-I go to God's Supply Room for everything I need. Because I have the key to that room: trust. p56

-By nature, parents are providers. God is a parent. He wants to provide for us. You don't need to convince Him to bless you. He's happy when we're blessed, abundant, prosperous and fulfilled. He loves to bless you. p60

-He has provided every blessing that you need. So why convince Him to do what He has already done?

-God's blessings are as abundant as the air around you. So just breathe them in. p61

-People of faith expect to be blessed. p62

-The size of your expectations determine the size of your blessings. p64

-Focus on God's blessings amidst our trials. p65

-Life isn't about you. Life is about loving others. So ask big! p68

-God will always provide the best blessings for your life. p77

-Relax in God's love. Don't try to win love. You're already loved. There's nothing to prove! p84

-God protects you by calling you to live within thw circle of His love. He knows that when you live according to His laws of love, you protect yourself from a whole gamut of danger. p114

-You get to know God not only by studying about Him but by being with God and experiencing Him daily. p131

Live in gratitude. 

07 August 2012

God Is Committed to Your Future

 Photo by Nathalie Bianes
 "I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly." - John 10:10

I'd like to share one of my favorite excerpts from the book "God is Bigger than Your Biggest Problems" by Bo Sanchez. Be blessed!

Imagine a kite flying high up in the sky.

You are the kite. God is the boy flying that kite. The string between the boy and the kite is your relationship with God.

But there are kites that feel that the string is holding them back.

So the kite says, "I want to fly higher. I can do so if this string  isn't here."

So they cut the string. They want to live their lives on their terms. Their theme song is Frank Sinatra's "I Did It My Way."

When they cut the string, they soar even higher into the sky. And the kite feels wonderful. But in due time, the kite will crashing down and be destroyed to bits.

Don't cut the string. Remain in your relationship with God.

In other words, allow Him to love you.

However, we're not just talking about friendship with God. Leadership is friendship, yes, but it's more than friendship. Aside from building a relationship, a leader casts a vision -- a dream.

Like the boy flying the kite, God has a vision for your life: for you to fly high up in the sky -- as high as you can possibly fly.

God has a vision for your life. It's found in John 10:10 -- "I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly."

Here's what I found out: like any great leader, God is totally committed to this vision for your life.

Live in gratitude.