10 December 2013

How to Be a Blessing Magnet

-And I believe God's love is the most powerful magic in the universe. p14

-Don't wait for something to happen before you become thankful. p18

-Wealth is measured by how thankful you are. p19

-Thank God in advance for what He will do. p23

-God won't do for you what you can do for yourself. If He did, you wouldn't grow. p61

-You have enough to start something small. And as God sees you faithful in small things, God will give you bigger things. p65

-Supernatural miracles are happening every single day. At the right time, divine interruptions happen.God shows up. And He says, "Here's provision. Here's equipment. Here are solutions to your problems. Because this is not just your work. This is our work. We're doing this together. This isn't just your wish. This is our wish. We're wishing this together. This isn't just your plan. This is our plan! p68

-If God wants you to do something, He'll make the right people walk into your life. He'll send the necessary raw materials. He'll arrange everything. p70

-Let the flow of abundance push you to where it wants you to go. Because where it wants you to go and where you want to go are one and the same destination. p71

-The cross, by itself, makes no sense. Good Friday, by itself, makes no sense.The death of Jesus, by itself, makes no sense. But if you put together the cross and the empty tomb, it makes total, complete, glorious sense. p76

-For your trial is temporary. It will come to an end. But God's love is permanent. It will last forever. p86