17 April 2014

The Abundance Formula

Photo Credit: SVP
Your wealth isn't your money. Your wealth is who you are. - Bo Sanchez

I received this gift from Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Club last Christmas . This book contains simple yet powerful steps to abundance. I'm applying these steps for years now and it's been blessing me and the people around me as well. 
May this book bless you too. Prosper! =)

Sharing some of my fave quotes:  
-Love is the most important thing in the world; and love demands that you be the best that you can be. 

-By becoming all that you can be through the journey of earning more money, you grow more. And at the end of that journey, you can give more, not just your money, but yourself. 

-Your wealth isn't your money. Your wealth is who you are. 

-Be remarkable. Be phenomenal. 

-A good business is not about money. It's about serving others. Business is about mission. Business is about blessing people. Business is about love. 

-When you serve others with all your heart, life will find a way to repay you. 

-At the end of the day, we remain humble before Him. Always ask the Owner how He wants you to use His wealth. And you will be at peace. 

-Generosity will detach you from materialism. 

-Support God's work of sharing His love to the world. 

-Always be specific, not vague. 

-Learn to enjoy simple things. 

-Be defined by your relationship with God. 

-At the end of the day, it's people who will make you happy. 

-Spend your money on what truly matters. 

-Prayer will keep you detached. Centered. At peace. Your attachment will be to the Giver, not to His gifts.