28 October 2018

Hippie by Paulo Coelho (Excerpts)

Photo Credit: penguin.com.au

Fight because you need to fight, because you're facing a battle. 

Fight because you are at peace with the universe, with the planets, 
the suns that explode and the stars that shrink and flare out forever. 

Fight to fulfill your destiny, without giving thought to gain or profit, 
losses or stratagems, victories and defeats.

Seek not your own gratification, but that of the Supreme Love who offers
nothing beyond a glimmering contact with the Cosmos and thus demands an act
of complete devotion -without doubts, without questions, love for love's sake 
and nothing else.

A love that owes nothing to anyone, that has no obligations, that finds joy 
in simple existence and the freedom to express itself. 

26 October 2018

Still Me by Jojo Moyes (Excerpts)

Photo Credit: Amazon

"Tell me what's going on with you. Are you okay? 

Are you sad? You didn't sound sad. Maybe I just want you not be sad. 

Talk to me." - Sam

"I’ll stand there for a while, take a long view,
and just be glad that, even if it was only this way, 
we found each other again." -Louisa Clark