17 June 2014

Battlefield of the Mind

Photo Credit: www.joycemeyer.org
Positive thinking produces positive attitudes. 
Once your attitude changes, your life changes. It's not easy, but it is simple. - Joyce Meyer

"I wish I had read this before.", that's all I can say after reading this book. =)
You may check the overview here.

Here are my favorite quotes:

-Praise helps us keep our minds on God.

-We may be weak, but God is strong, and He is willing to be our strength.

-Always believe the best. When we do that, it makes our own lives happier and more peaceful.

-Focus on God's grace and give thanks for all good things in life.

-Our thoughts - our focus - is what determines where we end up.

-Only Jesus, the Perfect One, is good  enough.

-The plan for our lives is perfect, because it comes from the Perfect Planner.

-Getting what we want immediately may not be best for us. Sometimes waiting is the best thing because it helps develop the character of God in us.

-Our blessings from God are not a result of our goodness. They are the result of God's goodness.

-We grow by taking steps of faith.

-The more you think about good things, the better your life will seem.

-To be open-minded means we're willing to hear all sides of an issue - like jurors should be at a trial. But -eventually we have to sort through the evidence or circumstances in life and say, "This is what I'm going to do."

-Whenever Jesus is with us, the storms of life cease and peace fills our hearts.

-When we believe and do not doubt, we can accomplish miracles.

-He wants you to have the best and only the best, but it has to come in the right way.

-Love is an action verb. If you love others, you do things for them.

-When we love God's way, we have no place for suspicion of others.

-I learned long ago that it takes so little to do so much good. Often it's only a word of encouragement, a hug, or just saying the words, "I care."

-Too often, we look at our imperfections and ask, "How could God possibly love me?" God looks at each of us through eyes of pure love and asks, "How could I not love you? You are mine."

-So the next time fear knocks on your door, send faith to answer.

-Positive thinking produces positive attitudes. Once your attitude changes, your life changes. It's not easy, but it is simple.
-The wait is always worth it.

-Strive to live with truth in your inner being. You - you and God - are the only ones who knows what's in your heart. Live in honesty and truth.

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