04 August 2011

Happy birthday!..."Friend"

I heard about him only through his books and blog entries.
Each day he sends email to thousands of people, including my sister.
I also have an officemate who reads his book entitled "How to Find Your One True Love". ;)

I was in Cebu having a vacation a year ago when i first saw him
on the television. I was struck by what he said.

There’s a giant difference between a religiously mature people and spiritually mature people.
Religiously mature people do their religious duties like praying everyday,
going to church everyday, reading their Bible, etc.

Spiritually mature people are totally different: They love like Jesus.
They express their faith through action."

Two months after, i was invited by my dormate to attend a Catholic gathering called
The Feast which means "a party of God's Love". It was where I first met this new friend.

Let me give you some of the important things I've learned from him.

1. We are swimming in an ocean of blessings. We can't see this ocean,
but it's there surrounding us. There's no shortage of blessings only our readiness to receive it.

2. The greatest success is When you help others become successful.
God is a big God and He doesn’t make small people.

3. Have a "weekly-date" with your family. Invest in love and relationships; and
always focus on the good.

4. Don't settle yourself for less. (how to find your OTL). ^_^

5. Your God is a Happy God. Like any father, God wants His children to be happy.

Today is his birthday. At the PICC-Feast yesterday, we celebrated his birthday.
I personally greeted and thanked him. Then, he held my hand yesterday with his sincere thanks.

Happy birthday friend!.. Bro. Bo Sanchez.

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