06 February 2012

she kept on walking...

Photo: Alamy
 "Lord Jesus, You walked on this earth. You know that we can get tired and our feet can hurt. You know about mountains, both literal and metaphorical. You know how the enemy tries to interfere my walk of faith. And You know that, despite such challenges, I want to keep walking with You. Thank You for my gift of faith - and thank You that its mustard-seed size won't keep You from handling the mountains in my life."- Thomas Nelson

This morning, I wasn't able to attend a project presentation with our client. I left my company's ID and my officemate was late in responding to my text message. He replied 15 minutes after the scheduled time, so I was already late for the meeting. Since I was only to observe in the meeting, I decided to go back to the office to finish my other tasks.

On my way to the office, I was still feeling disappointed at what had happened. While waiting for a jeepney,I saw an old woman few steps away from me pulling her wheelchair alone. I was about to assist her when she moved twice faster than I walked. I was relieved when I saw her safe on the side of road.

Like a sudden brake of a rushing jeepney, another lesson hit me. There I was caught in a traffic reflecting on another lesson God taught me. Through the old woman, God conversed with me. He told me to be like the old woman whenever I fail. She never gave up in spite of life's difficulties. And she kept on walking even just by pulling the wheelchair with her hands.

Thank You Lord for another inspiring day and may You guide the old woman in her journey.

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